Tuesday, January 29, 2008
After maths lecture, went home for lunch, watch my last few episodes of why why love, then went out to meet klein. went to remake my ez-link. third time losing it. gosh! there goes my $21!! headed to niven road(not sure how to spell) its near my primary school. there a stall there that sells my favourite childhood goreng pisang and fishball. klein drove me around hunting for that stall and even paid ERP twice!! stupid one way road only! fortunately we found it!! just that their chilli isnt the same as before. ): i just miss those taste.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
common test are coming. first paper is marketing. can't wait for 2nd of feb. cause i'm going to do my nails. whee~ then i'll have pretty pretty nails for CNY! however, i have not gotten any new year clothes. ): most likely going to rewear whatever clothes i have currently.
watched 27 dresses today. average movie. rate it 2.5/5. OH! la grand chef is a great movie. a movie of talent + comedy + touching. i rate that 5/5!! have been watching brown sugar macchiatto and why why love these days. thus, sleeping really late very night. bad habit! i wanted to kick off this habit since the start of this semester. however, its already the end of semester and i've still not succeeded. (-.-")
Monday, January 14, 2008
i read my old entries, and realized how much thought i had when blogging. when i compared it with now, it seems as though those entries were typed by someone else. everyone do change. however, i became more aimless and thoughtless. mainly cause i'm taking everything too easily now. although we have to take things easily, learn to give and take, but for every obstacle we go through, we have to learn from it. to prevent it from happening it again and be stronger both physically and emotionally.
this phase came across my mind, "think of what are the good things that happened to you today instead of the bad things" yup. its from mrs lee, my secondary school late principal. so lets see. what good thing happened to me today.. well.. i had fun in school during break, when i took crazy pictures with my darlings. (: i hope you all have something that made you smile today too! everyone does! be it a bowl of your favourite noodles. its something you enjoyed at least!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
click on the image to read it. and its personality. not personally. xD
so i'm going to grow stronger from all the upsets i got! darl is always there to support me. right darl? (:
Saturday, January 12, 2008
well.. this is one girl that i can nv lose. its not easy to find someone so true to you. and lucky me, i've found mine. *hugs darl*
anyway, open house today. was pretty fun. had my fun with mel. took lots of pics in the pilot plant. haha. last day of open house is always the best as you can cope all the left over goodies. heh heh~ even cope the decoration balloons. =P the lecturers were all aiming for it too. wahahahahaXx!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
looks like an advertisement for the ring.
2nd jan, went school for an hour only. (-.-") than met hubby at lot 1 with darl. its my first time there! xD wahahaha. but nothing much to walk. as least its better than thomson plaza. ate pastamania for lunch. than darl had to leave as she has her driving lesson. darl~ QUICK PASS AND DRIVE ME AROUND!! i'm waiting~ jiayou jiayou!!
3rd/4th jan. hubby came to sch with jun hao to help me collect my phone to repair. heez. my keypad is finally so nice and unbroken. than after sch, met him at bishan and went to adjust my guess watch from wailoon. i finally can wear them. went to watch national treasure 2 as well. damn nice! rate it 5/5! i just love the way they solve the puzzles and how they do stuffs. but i still dont understand how they decode the words. hmmm.. after the movie, went to buy a cake for daddy this time. xD waited for midnight to strike, and him to be back. than we prepared the cake and all. when he walked into the house, we sang the first line and he stopped us by saying, "WAIT! i go toilet first!" wa lao~ damn anti climax la!! (>.<) oh well, so we waited in the kitchen for him. anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!
4th jan, school as usual, than met hubby. went to bugis and walked around. and eyed on some tops. damn! my pay is gonna be clean so fast once it arrived. LOL! went chinatown after that to meet briano for dinner. wasnt that hungry so i had like.. half of my food left over? =X walked around and chatted. i wan go hong kong and genting!! LOL! can't wait.
And shall end this post with my 'BEAUTIFUL FACE~'
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
as well as happy birthday to my dearest mummy! (:
new year eve still got sch lor! how sian can that be?! reached sch late as usual and had mom to send me to school. =X got a D for PI&C. glad that i at least passed. and got an A for maths. why not A+! LOL! oh well, hubby came to meet me at yio chu kang mrt. off we went to town for lunch. mel joined us for lunch and left. so darl, hubby and me went to walk around town hunting for a bag replacement of mine. =X cause the stupid bag is falling apart and once carried it, bits and pieces of the cloth will drop out. and it looks lyk dandruff on my shoulder! yucks! walk walk walk, into paragon and into crumpler. look around and saw one crumpler i like. my dearest hubby, took it and went to paid for me. hehe. Thanks my dear. he has been pampering me a lot. (see that! i compliment u!) =X oops!
walked around, looked at phones and shopped for my mom's birthday present. got a pair of earrings costing $69.90. then darl left. hubby and me then went to eat and meet guo mei and gf. then dad called asking me to buy cake for my mom. so i tried to rush home before 12 midnight and i felt bad cause i'm unable to accompany them. like sudden last minute changes la. ): so accompanied them for dinner at sakae, and bought my cake and rushed home.
planned a surprise for mummy! she was sleeping already la. wth~ so dad went to wake her up. we lit the candles and when she came down, she was smiling happily! xD she almost teared. awwwwwww~ made me feel like tearing too. anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!!
ps: hubby made me wait at the airport yesterday for 4 HOURS! LOL! his damn flight was delayed la. stupid weather!
the earrings i bought for her! (: